Image Resources Inc.
Ads & Marketing Materials

A magazine ad for Image-Resources An Holiday E-Card with text for clients A holiday E-card for clients to pick from a selection of gifts An advertisement for Image-Resources featuring testimonial quotes A Tri-Fold brochure for Image-Resources

Social Media Posts

A picture of a christmas tree with a logo ornament saying 'Happy Holidays!;


An illustration of a cat in a baby bonnet with the caption 'not amused'. Illustration a dog with a marker in it's mouth with a sloppy handwritten 'snuggle me' caption underneath. Illustration of a character who looks like a power ranger and is purple and covered in purple crystals.
An illustration of a cat in a baby bonnet with the caption 'not amused'. An illustration of a cat in a baby bonnet with the caption 'not amused'. An illustration of a cat in a baby bonnet with the caption 'not amused'.


-Increased SEO on our website to rank #1 on google for our product. An improvement from the 3rd page, 8th result.

-Significantly increased our Instagram followers