An app that tracks upgrades in the game Divinity Original Sin 2. It contains a dropdown to select a level, which auto calculates attribute and combat points depending on the level selected. There is also a list of skill books that you can select (or deselect). There is also a list of items you can collect and as you add them to your inventory, a list of the possible crafting items appears.
A portfolio website for my friend who is an actress in Korea. It contains relevant information to apply for gigs and also has a radio button to translate the website into Korean.
March of 2022, I did a 2 month internship for Exitus Global. I built a working prototype of their Business Broker App to show to shareholders using Vue. The app saves the business seller money by breaking down financials information and by calculating expenses.
A mock bakery website with a working shopping cart from a group project for my Free Code School bootcamp certificate in 2020.
A working calculator coded in Javascript and styled in CSS for my 2020 Free Code Camp certificate.
Technical Skills
- Languages:
- JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Sass, SQL, Python
- Libraries & Frameworks:
- Vue.js, Bootstrap, jQuery, Lodash, date-fns
- Tooling:
- VSCode, Git, GitHub, GitHub Pages, ESLint, All Adobe CC Products
- Skills:
- Responsive Web Design, Wireframe mockups, Agile Certified Developer, CRM software