Ania Bennett

Junior Frontend Software Engineer


Divinity Original Sin 2 Upgrade Tracker HTML CSS Vanilla JS

An app that tracks upgrades in the game Divinity Original Sin 2. It contains a dropdown to select a level, which auto calculates attribute and combat points depending on the level selected. There is also a list of skill books that you can select (or deselect). There is also a list of items you can collect and as you add them to your inventory, a list of the possible crafting items appears.

Actress Website HTML CSS Vanilla JS

A portfolio website for my friend who is an actress in Korea. It contains relevant information to apply for gigs and also has a radio button to translate the website into Korean.

Exitus App HTML CSS Vue JS

March of 2022, I did a 2 month internship for Exitus Global. I built a working prototype of their Business Broker App to show to shareholders using Vue. The app saves the business seller money by breaking down financials information and by calculating expenses.

La Patisserie Group Project HTML CSS Vanilla JS

A mock bakery website with a working shopping cart from a group project for my Free Code School bootcamp certificate in 2020.

Calculator HTML CSS Vanilla JS

A working calculator coded in Javascript and styled in CSS for my 2020 Free Code Camp certificate.

Technical Skills

  • Languages:
  • JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Sass, SQL, Python

  • Libraries & Frameworks:
  • Vue.js, Bootstrap, jQuery, Lodash, date-fns
  • Tooling:
  • VSCode, Git, GitHub, GitHub Pages, ESLint, All Adobe CC Products

  • Skills:
  • Responsive Web Design, Wireframe mockups, Agile Certified Developer, CRM software

Professional Experience

Image Resources, Inc.

Maintained company website, including design work, and coordination between marketing department and ad campaigns.

Analyzed the website for SEO relevant keywords, edited website content and utilized persuasive copywriting to maximize impact on potential clients.

Optimized SEO to increase Google rankings to get to the first result of the search page for our product-- a significant improvement from the 3rd page, 8th result.

Used data analytics to determine which content brought customers to our website and social media, as well as the ideal day and time to post, increasing our followers and view count.

Maintained webserver and software versions including upgrading to the latest stable PHP.


I did a two month internship for a startup. I created the portion of their business app that does the calculations required for selling a business.
See project

Free CodeCamp Indy Organizer

I organize the events for the Free Code Camp Indy meetup. I also organize the weekly Sunday project days.


I participated in Hacktoberfest in October of 2021 and 2022.
